Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Android Tablets Now Own Nearly Half the Tablet Market

The Online Publishers Association (OPA) has just released a study of tablet users that has a number of surprises in it.  The survey, which included 2,540 internet users between 8 and 64 years of age, found that Android tablets have made huge gains in the last 12 months, rising from 32% market share in 2011 to 51% in 2012.  The iPad accounted for 52% (the numbers don’t add up to 100% because some people had more than one type), so they are now essentially neck and neck.  The Kindle Fire can take credit for a lot of the gains, but just as we’ve seen with phones, consumers like choices once they understand the differences between them.
More after the break…
Within the Android-owning part of the survey group, this is how it broke down: Kindle Fire (28%), Samsung Galaxy (13%), Other (10%), B&N Nook (9%), and HP Touchpad (8%).  Also interesting is that customer satisfaction rates were almost equal between iOS and Android, at 95% and 90% respectively.  Female users also gained some ground as 51% of tablet users are now women compared to 44% last year.  There’s a bunch more jammed in the report so hit the source below to see it all.



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